Liz Fenstermaker
(My name means "window maker.")

Photo by Morgan Bernhard
I'm Liz.
I'm an arts advocate, writer, teacher, and theatre maker.
I'm a believer in what arts education pioneer Maxine Greene called "wideawakeness" - an alert, open stance toward the world around us that helps us to be life-long learners and creators.
I'm a practical idealist.
I'm fun.

Gross Indecency:
The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde
Pictured: John Geoffrion as Oscar Wilde and Kyle Cherry as Bosie
Photo Credit: Kevin Hadfield
Bad Habit Productions
Virginia Woolf's Orlando
Costume Design
Pictured: Theresa Nguyen as Orlando and Will Bowry as Queen Elizabeth I
Photo Credit: Paul Cantillon
Bad Habit Productions

Six Degrees of Separation
Pictured: Christine Power as Ouisa, Dani Berkowitz as Tess, and Elyas Harris as Paul
Photo credit: Paul Cantillon
Bad Habit Productions
Costume Design and Dramaturgy
Pictured: Michael Levesque as Ian and Ashley Levesque as Monica
Photo credit: Kevin Hadfield
Bad Habit Productions

Theatre for Families
Writer/Adapter, Director, Costume Design
Pictured: Nicholas Magierowski-Howe, Laurel Hill, Maria Jan Carreon, and Marc Pierre in O, Ship! Aboard the Ship!
Critic's Pick, The Boston Globe
Photo credit: Paul Cantillon
Bad Habit Productions